HVAC 101 Minicourse

HVAC Parts and Pieces



Enroll in our FREE HVAC 101 Minicourse.


  • Master Terminal Units: Understand the crucial roles of Variable Air Volume (VAV) boxes and Fan Coil Units in regulating airflow and temperature, and learn the easy trick to optimize each for your building’s needs.

  • Unlock Air Handling Secrets: 

    Discover the functions of air handlers, cooling coils, and filters, and navigate the complexities of mixing return air with outside air for efficient building climate control.

  • Optimize Pumping and Piping Systems: Learn about the different types of pipes, fittings, and hydronic pumps, and how to measure temperature and flow for maintaining efficient chilled and heating water systems.

  • Enhance Your Knowledge of Chiller Systems: Explore the components and operations of air-cooled and water-cooled chillers, and understand the role of compressors and expansion valves in maintaining optimal cooling performance.